Included Different Benefits of Surah Yasin in the context of Holy Quran.Verse by verse translation in English, Urdu, Malay and Indonesian Languages with complete Customizable text of all languages.Audio recitation Verse by verse of the whole Surah Yasin in List mode.Listen in Arabic with Indonesian Translation Listen in Arabic with English Translation Recitation - Complete Surah Yaseen Recitation with mp3 Surah Yaseen for Arabic self reading in Offline mode The key features of this applications are:

Quran Arabic text is synchronized with each reciting ayah. Its Quran Karim's Heart! Very beautiful and heart touch recitation by renowned Qari Along with synchronized Urdu, Malaysian and Indonesian translation with displaying Arabic, Urdu and English text. Install this Very nice and important App into your Android device. The name of the chapter comes from the two letters of the first verse of the chapter, which has caused much scholarly debate, and which Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni Tafsir, interprets by saying "God knows best what He means by these." The surah yaseen ends with arguments in favor of the existence of Resurrection and God's sovereign power. Additionally, the surah Yasin reiterates God's sovereignty as exemplified by His creations through signs from nature. The surah Yaseen tells of the punishments that plagued past generations of nonbelievers as a warning to present and future generations. The Surah Yasin focuses on establishing the Qur'an as a divine source, and it warns of the fate of those that mock God's revelations and are stubborn. It is often referred to as "the Heart of the Quran" in accordance with a well-known hadith of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad(P.B.U.H.). Yā Sīn (Arabic: سورة يس) is the 36th 'chapter' of the Quran with 83 ayat, and is one of the Meccan surahs. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people.” (Tafsir-al- Sabuni Vol.2). “Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yasin.

There is a reason behind the greater prestige of Surah Yasin as it is mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in His various hadiths entailing numerous benefits of its recitation. Surah Yaseen is one of the most reverend Surah of Quran and Muslims all over the world memorize it, recite it, and listen to its recitation with great respect and sanctity. Therefore, reading, listening, reciting this Surah has many benefits and blessing as we read whole Quran. Everyone should recite Surah Yasin a part from Holy Qurn, Al Waqia, al Mulk and surah Rehman as much as possible. “Surah Yasin” is the “heart” of the Holy Quran. Mubeenwazifa, complete Tafseer in English and Benefits are also included in this Surah Yasin Application, It is a complete Package to earn the Blessing of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. Surah Yasin with Audio and Multi-Language Translation Application.